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Catagory & GTM Manager bij Segway Ninebot in Amsterdam

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Catagory & GTM Manager bij Segway Ninebot in Amsterdam

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This key position can also be described as Product Marketing Manager/ Category Manager. The person will be responsible for successful Launch and Product Lifecycle Management of a product category in the European market. To be successful in this role, strong commercial, analytical and communication skills are essential.

Key Responsibilities
Product (Product line-up and /ifecyc/e maintenance, Product category business planning/
⮚ Product assortment and line-up planning for the European region in close cooperation with HQ of your responsible business group/product category
⮚ ldentifying [future] market trends and responsible for the market analysis for their product category [e.g. GFK data, Vehicle Registration data]
⮚ Facilitate the product lifecycle and promotional planning calendar / meetings with internal stakeholders
⮚ Ensures accurate rolling sales forecasting and the inventory planning by country
/ key account/ sku in cooperation with local sales branches and distributor partners as well as internal supply chain teams
⮚ Communicates “voice of customer” into the wider organization [consumer, channel partners and internal sales teams]
⮚ Create and maintain an up-to-date key competitor overviews within the European market and develop automated tools where needed

Price (Pricing strategy, pricing water/al/, gross profit management/
⮚ Responsible for achieving the business group/product category budget & target revenue and absolute gross profit amounts
⮚ lnvolved in [semi] annual budgeting process in close cooperation with finance department and China HQ
⮚  Responsible for minimum channel /net/net/ net price setting policies and its implementation and monitoring in the European region

Place (Product channef & distribution strategies}
⮚  Day-to-day interface with the sales teams, plans regular visits to the key markets/branches/distributor partners
⮚ Manages, monitors, and influences the distribution strategy and policies in close cooperation with local sales branches and distributor partners
⮚ Provides “Key account” insights towards the management team at top selling markets/channels/key accounts in close cooperation with the Sales teams

Promotion [Brand marketing, Trade/channef marketing, PR, KOL and lnffuencers]
⮚ Work together with the Marketing Communication team to ensure your category objectives are the driver for ATL/BTL Communication/Trade Marketing activities.
⮚ Align promotional plan with the Sales & Communication teams to ensure effective execution.
⮚ Clear model Launch plans to maximize European coverage with PR and influencers.

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